Welcome to my little journal.

Before I start, let me answer some questions you might have:

Who the hell am I?
My name is Allen Berrebbi and I have had a long association with comic books, both professionally and as a fan. I am older than 20, married and have two great kids.

What do you mean professionally? What have you done?
For several years I produced and hosted a TV show about comics called, appropriately enough, "The Comic Book Show". The best way to describe it is a combination of Saturday Night Live and Access Hollywood but about comics. Through the show I made several friends in the industry. I spent a small stint as CFO for Future Comics during its start-up phase. I helped launch it and then had a falling out with the owner. Then I did a short stint as Director of Business Development at Big Bang Comics (great guys by the way). Now I am working on a few comic related projects which I will reveal when allowed. I am also part of a local comedy troupe, The Damage Control Comedy Crew, in Tampa, Fl.

Why are you doing this blog?
Frankly, I am not happy about what's happened to this biz, but I got sick of dealing with the morons on a lot of these message boards. Then, through Journalista, I was exposed to some of the better blogs out there. I figured if I was going to spend my time sharing my thoughts, it should be on my own journal.

What are some of your favorite books?
I have no shame in admitting I am a fan of superhero books, though its not the only thing I read. I enjoy books like JSA, where the heroes are actually heroic and noble, and the creative team has a respect for the past.

What will this blog be about?
Basically, commentary on what I hear or read about in the so-called comic book news sites and magazines. As my friends know, I am brutally honest and despise ass kissing. I'm not trying to get a job writing comics and I am not shy about telling people what I think is wrong. Hopefully someone will listen or at the very last, get some enjoyment out of it.